My Path On Earth, Through Astrocartography
ACG can guide us where to go, and how to work with the planetary energies of places in the world. For me, it led me to a major chapter of love & beauty in NYC. Thank you Venus, Mercury, Neptune.
Astrocartography, ACG, is a divination tool that maps the planetary energies of your birth chart onto the world map, revealing how different locations shape your experiences. Once we understand which planets influence love, pain, abundance, opportunities and support in certain places, we know how to move forward, heal, expand and act.
After a few years of studying, this is my discovery. Through Vedic astrology, with its intricate system of Mahadasha (major planetary time periods in one’s life) and transits, it unfolds like clockwork magic. I'll use my own journey as an example - how each place I've lived and traveled correlates with ACG. Each place carries a celestial imprint. It's beautifully affirming, and shockingly insightful.
Bangkok – Venus Zenith (at the latitude)
Feb 3rd, 2025, Bangkok
Saturn is transiting my 6th house, defining my days with Absolute Discipline - Diet, Health, Routine. I am just healing up from a severe allergy attack, which has pulled all my attention to, once again, restructuring a new diet and wellness plan. In a city where my Venus Zenith (at the same latitude) as the background frequency, I can feel the gentle breeze, allowing me to hone into this new health awakening with ease.
Venus, ruler of love, creativity, beauty, healing, and wealth, resides in my 7th house of relationships and business.
Here in Bangkok, I am experiencing my Venus Return at the Venus Zenith, aligned with its latitude (the energy comes through the Earth and not directly), and without any other planetary conjunctions. This presence is delicately subtle. Unlike New York, where my Venus line steals the show in full force.
I remember the first time coming to BKK, it was ALL thrifting for me (Huge Venus influence). This time around, I am feeling the harmonious creative support of Venus instead of materials / beauty. I have initiated a significant foundation for a new body of work! But also, big bow down to the Saturn transit, (for he also is my Antardasha Lord), anchoring me deep in my physical health routine. This deepening discipline is charging back into the creative flow and harmony with the body and self.
Chiron in Chiang Mai
I want to talk about this Chiron line experience - a line I would not volunteer to go near, but life wants me to see something.
Two weeks ago, I traveled north to Chiang Mai, stepping into the domain of Chiron - an energy that surfaces deep wounds for healing. Chiron is a planet not traditionally recognized in Vedic astrology, but it definitely made itself known.
Before we left Bangkok, an unease settled within me. A total bodily resistance. But I override it, “We are here, and it’s just 10 days!” On the 3rd day, my skin erupted into hundreds of phantom bug bites, inflaming my left arm, neck, legs, and right hand. Even after moving to another place, it still persisted.
I asked my body what it was trying to tell me. The answer came: the food - a severe gluten allergy. First time on Chiron line, first time a severe reaction.
Chiron can manifest into physical wounds too, after all, aren’t all physical wounds manifested through our internal states?
In hindsight, I see this tied to my solar plexus - my authority. The moment I caved, ignored my innate stomach feeling and gave my power away, the body protested!!
New York – Power Lines of Venus AC, Mercury AC & Neptune MC
New York called to me long before I understood why. As a teenager in Hong Kong, I felt like the only person listening to hip-hop, R&B, while everyone else listened to British music. I even had a NYC skyline as my desktop backdrop. Dreaming of NYC all day. Years later, I learned this was a Remote Activation - when planetary lines influence us even before we physically arrive, and vice versa. We can activate the energy of a place, locally.
I am fully blessed. In New York, all Venus, Mercury & Neptune lines converge all within/around 200km from Manhattan, making them Power Lines.
Interesting observation - the year I moved to NYC, I was finishing my Saturn Mahadasha - a whole 19 years filled with survival and struggle. Then, on my 2nd year here, my Mercury Mahadasha begins, a cycle that lasts for 17 years, karmically, almost the entirety of my Mercury cycle spent living on a Mercury AC line.
Mercury, same as Venus, in my 7th house, ruled over communication, intellect, and business, guiding me to forge my own artistic path - self taught photography, film, communication, and financial sustainability.
Drifting through the city, blessed by Venus power line, also my soul planet (the planet at the highest point of a natal chart), brought me so much love, beauty and creativity in this transformative process. And here is where I met countless amazing people who support this journey through all the thick and thin, and especially where I met my expanding soul family.
Neptune, lingers in this mix, had manifested as so much illusions at first for me - parties, substances, and cloudy illusional creativity. But as the Dasha Lord Mercury matured, they cleared up the fog gradually for me, guiding my way of becoming.
Hong Kong – A Birthland Without Lines
Astrologically, Hong Kong is void—no lines, no conjunctions, no planetary activations anywhere near. I felt it growing up and I was not crazy. Always had this deep sense of being misplaced, unsupported. Everyone seemed to repel me; every effort met resistance. I longed to leave since I was 6.
Yet, even in a place of no lines, one’s birth chart still imprints major significance and unfoldment. It is still where one’s soul chose to be born - through the malnourishment, one must learn to find nourishment within self.
My ascendant ruler, Mercury, big part of my journey, and perhaps this is why I have always sought knowledge, always rebelling against society and rigidity. (also, Mercury numerology is 5, FREEDOM-of-EXPRESSION). My Chiron, sitting in the 9th house, speaks to a karmic wound in education (also long distance journey!). It propelled me towards self-taught wisdom, away from institutional structure. Ultimately, into NYC’s mercurial energy.
(if you must live in a place with no line, leaving often to places at least 300km away is a good remedy.)
Tokyo – Jupiter IC Power Line - Beyond Home
Since 2018, I’ve worked with the Shizen family in NYC. Tokyo has woven itself into my life. Remote activated - it became an ever-present thread beyond lifetimes (a story for another time perhaps).
Again, unknown to me at the time, it is my Jupiter IC power line right on top of the city - the line of infinite abundance, expansion, and luck. With it being an IC line, that is anything about Home - real estate, comfort, deep-rooted belonging. Truly I find myself wanting to move there. Actually that is what has decided for me.
My first visit in 2005 was unplanned, friends were going to Fuji Rock and I tagged along. The energy hit me so deep that I found myself weeping on the final day, swearing I’d return (for shopping, at the time). And return I did, again and again, pulled by a powerful karmic force. Each visit unfolded more and more, and interesting thing is - each time I was brought here by others, the city is always waiting for my return.
Jupiter is in my 5th house - creative and self expression, entertainment, fun and romance. I find Tokyo to be fluid, elegant, an effortless embrace, and it gives me enormous inspiration. Jupiter, also the ruling lord of my 4th house where the IC line is, (literally - home & comfort), and 7th house, where my natal Mercury and Venus sit in!
Divine Time, Self and Place
This is just a scratch on the surface. Astrocartography is a dialogue between self and place. Each place is a hidden architecture of our natal imprints. With transits and Mahadasha, we can move with the cosmic waves and align with divine timing, to work with certain energy at certain life phases, calling in love, support, or whatever it is we need for our soul journey.
If you are curious, or feel called to have a reading / reiki session, please email me at !! Or book through this portal, with Special Offer now til Feb 14th.
Ka Yan